
Since its inception in 1994, our center has carried out many performances or public and private sectors. We hereunder would like to cast light on the most important polls and studies, or just give some comments on them.


Publishing up to date 192 polls that were run in the West Bank & Gaza Strip, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip, on political, economical, social, educational and health issues. The target was to probe the Palestinian public trends vis-à-vis the performance of the Palestinian Authority (PA), the security services, the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), tourism industry, Palestinian elections, and the performance of the banks operating in the Palestinian territories, violence against women, and the performance of the International Observer Forces in Hebron. Further polls were on mass media, civil society organizations (CSO’s), NGO’s, democracy and political parties. It is noteworthy to mention that the data processing and publishing of any opinion survey never exceeded twenty days.

PCPO was founded in 1994 and has accumulated substantial experience in several major areas:

  • Opinion Polls - performance of qualitative and quantitative surveys, Telephone polls and Face to Face interviews, conducting of focus groups and performance of statistical Conjoint Analyses, Internet and Intranet surveys.
  • Market Research - performance of market research and feasibility studies, Sectional Analysis and Benchmarking.
  • Customer Satisfaction Surveys - surveys of internal and external customers' satisfaction, QFD analysis and evaluation surveys.
  • Strategic Planning - strategic planning in the fields of marketing, politics, and public and business management, SWOT analysis, and organizational vision.
  • Organizational Consultation - organizational analysis, diagnosis and development. Promoting the assimilation of organizational changes and preparing designated master plans in the field of local government.

Further polls and research studies are carried out but not published upon the request of our clients.

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