The administration of the PCPO is comprised of a number of administrators, advisers, researchers, and employees who have sufficient resourcefulness and resiliency to work under hard conditions. We believe that our long experience in the field of opinion surveys, market research, focus group discussions and workshops imparted to us high competency and proficiency. We have established our PCPO in 1994 and since then gained great experience and proficiency in conducting qualitative and quantitative researches and surveys of all kinds, particularly public opinion polls on a large scale of political, economic, social, educational and financial aspects, above all hot issues and topics of current public interest.
Furthermore, we have carried out numerous focus group discussions commissioned to us by local and international firms and institutions, as well as training programs, in-depth studies, marketing research surveys and have one of the most efficient and experienced translators’ team in Palestine; all this under very difficult political and economic situations. We, however, were able to overcome so many difficulties and frustrating situations by our patience, good relations abroad and our distinct experience and proficiency. As outlined below:
- The credibility we have already acquired by both officials and grass-root organizations, which helped build a mutual, trust and hence facilitated our data collection.
- The competence of our researchers and interviewers who exert utmost efforts in obtaining the most accurate and meticulous results.
- Our promptness in running polls and capability of holding workshops and focus group sessions under difficult circumstances.
- Our capability to design questionnaires and to examine their credibility has highly contributed to producing factual results pertaining to the Palestinian situation.
- Our availability of experts who run statistical programs especially that of the SPSS as well as other programs contributed to a large extent in analyzing results using different statistical methods.
- We are comfortable with advanced statistical tools like correlation, regressions analysis, factor analysis, conjoint analysis, cluster analysis, etc. State of art software tools like SPSS, STATA 11, ASCII format and Epi info are employed to run these statistical routines. And importantly, by experienced hands.
- No survey analysis is good if not presented in a professional manner. We use professional PowerPoint presentation formats in addition to traditional tools like Word, pdf, Excel, etc.
- The developed mechanism of research by selecting a random sample using the scientific method.
- Efficiency in holding focus group sessions and writing executive summaries.
- The effective administration of available resources for the past twenty years.
- The constant prediction and follow-up of the accelerating political and economic rapid fluctuations in the Palestinian territories.
- Highly specialized people to apply advanced analytical software: Quantum, and Sawtooth
- Owns in-house created soft-wares to optimize juicing out information from the data
- Capacity to deliver online tabulations to facilitate client’s instant access to tabs and ease of data manipulation
- Proficient in using advanced statistics: correspondence analysis factor analysis, regression analysis, cluster analysis, pivot analysis, Anova, Manova, etc.
- PCPO polls and surveys are constantly translated by foreign news agencies and published in tens of internet portals in the Western World and various Arab countries.
All that contributes to the fact that our PCPO staff is the most active conductor of public opinion polls in the Palestinian territories, a matter which brought to us a high standard of local and international reputation.