Poll No. 209

In the latest opinion poll regarding President Trump's proposal regarding the displacement of Palestinians, prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali, the following results were found:

  • Results showed that residents of Gaza are more concerned about the displacement proposal compared to residents of the West Bank (73.6% vs. 53.4%).
  • A majority of participants in Gaza (61.3%) and the West Bank (54.0%) expect pressure on Egypt and Jordan to accept the displacement of Palestinians.
  • Gaza residents are more optimistic about their ability to prevent displacement (61.3%) compared to West Bank residents (46.4%).
  • The majority (66.9%) believe that Arab and Islamic countries are not fulfilling the required role to support Palestinians in Gaza.
  • (38.4%) of participants believe that the United States may push towards future displacement of Palestinians from the West Bank.

To download the entire poll, in English. and in Arabic

Poll No. 208

The latest poll on the Palestinian public opinion about the Russian-Ukrainian War, prepared by Dr. Nabil Kukali, revealed the following key results:

• (84.2 %) of the Palestinians believe that the Russian-Ukrainian war will have a negative impact on the Palestinians.
• (40.2 %) believe that Russia is waging an unjust war against its neighboring country, Ukraine, whilst (32.3 %) believe that it has the right to do so.
• (58.4 %) are worried about a potential nuclear conflict between Europe and the United States on the one hand and Russia on the other.


To download the entire poll, in English, in Arabic


Poll No. 207

Attached please find the outcome of the annual global survey dealing at the end of this year with the coronavirus (Covid-19), conducted by the Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research (WIN International) in cooperation with the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion (PCPO) summarizing the results of their poll # 207 with regard to the Palestinian Territories.

Although a considerable rate of the people in many countries around the world are still skeptical towards the finding of a successful vaccine in a relatively short time against this vicious virus, yet many people are hopeful that this vaccine will bring an end to Covid-19 and its mutations, trusting that in the coming year they can go back to their normal life, to their work again and restore their social relations, shaking hands and giving their beloved ones affectionate hugs without fear.

In this hope, WIN and the staff of PCPO wish you a happy, peaceful and prosperous new year 2021.

Sincerely yours

Dr. Nabil Kukali

President of the Palestinian Center for Public Opinion


To download the entire poll, in English, in Arabic


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